11335's Rap Sheet

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Inmate Blurb:

-Assholebynature [President]
-brandandchels [president]
-PFCwhite [leader]
-GrotheS [Captain 1]
-TR4N3 [YOU are our commander.]
-vinyard07 [enforcer]
-ownage kid
-pediddy890 [money person dont bother him he here to hlp me to get us weapons and we will protect him]
-la coka nostra
More too come
Rules for the gang:
1st. you are not aloud to attack any gang enemys.
2nd. We will protect you but you cant attack someone and then want us too
3rd. No attacking allies you will treat them like an asshole like us
4th. NO TRAITOR or This gang will come for you.
5th. Dont ask gang for money we will give when we see you help out enough
[url=http://b5.ac- "

-Assholebynature [President]
-brandandchels [president]
-PFCwhite [leader]
-GrotheS [Captain 1]
-TR4N3 [YOU are our commander.]
-vinyard07 [enforcer]
-ownage kid
-pediddy890 [money person dont bother him he here to hlp me to get us weapons and we will protect him]
-la coka nostra
More too come
Rules for the gang:
1st. you are not aloud to attack any gang enemys.
2nd. We will protect you but you cant attack someone and then want us too
3rd. No attacking allies you will treat them like an asshole like us
4th. NO TRAITOR or This gang will come for you.
5th. Dont ask gang for money we will give when we see you help out enough
[url=http://b5.ac- "