09261991's Rap Sheet

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Inmate Blurb:

anyone can join
mug and attack and raid everyone and anyone
HITLIST--attack these people when you get the chance
---Dyelonbird is a fake
President- Custombuild
Vice Presidents- hippyhair and dontfkwithme
-daleboi lvl6
-jortikka lv4
-lilr lvl4
-MRBellamy23 lv3
-Bigestdog lv3
-nickb lvl5
-Dellis lvl4
-09261991 lvl1
-lilj lvl 1
-stevof lvl 1
-Aris0709 lvl 4
-Slowly lvl1
-Barbarian2k2 lvl 2
-KingEmil lvl2
-PheTomenal lvl 5 --- TOP NEW JERSEY SOLDIER
-ewilldagreatest lvl1
-09051998 lvl 5
-Hsuhsn lvl 3
-hitman47 lvl1
-Paablo lvl 2
-Burns3 lvl 5
-brogan_89 lvl 5
-HODGIE lvl 3
-Moroccan lvl 2
-1987 lvl 3
-Darwick01 lvl3
-IrishKing lvl 2
-SilverChick lvl 6
-Darking lvl 4
-dean543 lvl3
-noxim lvl 2
-Fowlerboy lvl 2
-fang7897 lvl 2
-TREY15 lvl 3
-DBOSS23 lv1
-Kurpita33 lvl 4
-odaseey lvl1
-dontfkwithme lvl 7 ---CELL RAIDER CAPTAIN ---- VICE-PRESIDENT
-nightmare420 lvl 3
-lilk lvl 3
-RayRizz lvl 3
-sheezyshocks lvl 2
-BlackRob lvl 3
-NocturnalNick lvl 5
-ASHERS lvl 5
-Hixy lvl 5
-slit lvl 3
-monk lvl 6
-sren lvl 2
-Elementar lvl 5
-TurkeyyHart lvl 6
-Sair lvl6
-Moneyman5 lvl 6 -----RAIDER
-custombuild lvl 7
-hippyhair lvl 8 ------RULE ENFORCER -------VICE PRESIDENT
-BeastieBhoy lvl 7
-jpcomp lvl 5
-asdfg lvl 6
-jontheman lvl 5
-Dumberman lvl 7
-KevKi lvl 7
-jeano lvl 7
-THE OUTCASTS ---leader---PauloLage

-NYC SUICIDAL GANGSTERZ ---leader--gangsterboy

banking system give us money and u get a small protion of it when
u need it and only when u need it and u have to put in more than
10k or 10k to use it. more u put in the better.it shows what person has
what amount of money that person got form the shares. and we will put
your name under our name that u gave the money to so u dont scam us.
hippyhair-0k dontfkwithme-0k
u can only take 30percent of this money out at a time u can take more a
day just see what else u can do with the 30percent first before u keep
taking it all out and what u really need it for. we can make a
resonable thing for u but if u take money out every day becaseu u cant
save money for #$%^. then talk with us we can give tips on makiing and
saveing money. and to stay in the system thier will be a 15k weekly fee
to keep that money flowing in just so u know the more money we get they
hihger 30 percent goes up. think of it this way for every 10k thats
3k=the 30percent only 100k and 30k so keep this in mind we will be
talking wiht u to make sure we know what u r doing wiht it. this will
be a great system if u dont fk with it. " "

anyone can join
mug and attack and raid everyone and anyone
HITLIST--attack these people when you get the chance
---Dyelonbird is a fake
President- Custombuild
Vice Presidents- hippyhair and dontfkwithme
-daleboi lvl6
-jortikka lv4
-lilr lvl4
-MRBellamy23 lv3
-Bigestdog lv3
-nickb lvl5
-Dellis lvl4
-09261991 lvl1
-lilj lvl 1
-stevof lvl 1
-Aris0709 lvl 4
-Slowly lvl1
-Barbarian2k2 lvl 2
-KingEmil lvl2
-PheTomenal lvl 5 --- TOP NEW JERSEY SOLDIER
-ewilldagreatest lvl1
-09051998 lvl 5
-Hsuhsn lvl 3
-hitman47 lvl1
-Paablo lvl 2
-Burns3 lvl 5
-brogan_89 lvl 5
-HODGIE lvl 3
-Moroccan lvl 2
-1987 lvl 3
-Darwick01 lvl3
-IrishKing lvl 2
-SilverChick lvl 6
-Darking lvl 4
-dean543 lvl3
-noxim lvl 2
-Fowlerboy lvl 2
-fang7897 lvl 2
-TREY15 lvl 3
-DBOSS23 lv1
-Kurpita33 lvl 4
-odaseey lvl1
-dontfkwithme lvl 7 ---CELL RAIDER CAPTAIN ---- VICE-PRESIDENT
-nightmare420 lvl 3
-lilk lvl 3
-RayRizz lvl 3
-sheezyshocks lvl 2
-BlackRob lvl 3
-NocturnalNick lvl 5
-ASHERS lvl 5
-Hixy lvl 5
-slit lvl 3
-monk lvl 6
-sren lvl 2
-Elementar lvl 5
-TurkeyyHart lvl 6
-Sair lvl6
-Moneyman5 lvl 6 -----RAIDER
-custombuild lvl 7
-hippyhair lvl 8 ------RULE ENFORCER -------VICE PRESIDENT
-BeastieBhoy lvl 7
-jpcomp lvl 5
-asdfg lvl 6
-jontheman lvl 5
-Dumberman lvl 7
-KevKi lvl 7
-jeano lvl 7
-THE OUTCASTS ---leader---PauloLage

-NYC SUICIDAL GANGSTERZ ---leader--gangsterboy


banking system give us money and u get a small protion of it when
u need it and only when u need it and u have to put in more than
10k or 10k to use it. more u put in the better.it shows what person has
what amount of money that person got form the shares. and we will put
your name under our name that u gave the money to so u dont scam us.
hippyhair-0k dontfkwithme-0k
u can only take 30percent of this money out at a time u can take more a
day just see what else u can do with the 30percent first before u keep
taking it all out and what u really need it for. we can make a
resonable thing for u but if u take money out every day becaseu u cant
save money for #$%^. then talk with us we can give tips on makiing and
saveing money. and to stay in the system thier will be a 15k weekly fee
to keep that money flowing in just so u know the more money we get they
hihger 30 percent goes up. think of it this way for every 10k thats
3k=the 30percent only 100k and 30k so keep this in mind we will be
talking wiht u to make sure we know what u r doing wiht it. this will
be a great system if u dont fk with it. " "