Player Overview
Before you can understand what's what, you should learn about yourself. Here are the things most important to you:

Getting Money
Cash can be used for many things in the game, such as: weapons, armor, drugs, and various other items.

First off, you probably want to get yourself employed.

You could earn money in a... slightly less legal way.

You can find plenty of goodies by searching the yard.

Gambling is legal here, so take advantage of the games.

Other inmates might offer you some cash... if not, TAKE IT.
You can have money in your hand or in your bank. Make sure to keep track of both.
Your Cell

Prisoners spend a lot of time in their cells. Obviously, you want yours to be as accomodating as possible.
You can expand your cell if you want some more leg room.

Pimp out your home away from home with amenities.

It's never a bad idea to expand on your security.
You can save your cell layout in a preset. This allows you to quickly change between layouts.
The Market
I got what you neeeeeed! The market is where you spend your hard-earned dough to get something useful.

Saving money is all fine and dandy, until somebody steals it from you. Spend that dough!
You can acquire all sorts of junk during your stay, but what does this shit do?

Get yourself comfortable while getting yourself powerful.

Get high, and leap tall buildings like superman (temporarily)!

Out of energy? Don't stop yet, refill those stats with items!

It's that time again. That time to whoop some ass!

Can you take a hit? Probably not, so you'll need some armor.
In rare cases, consumable items can be stolen from you if a player mugs or raids you.
Other Players
You're not the only inmate in this hell hole. So what is there to do with all these other prisoners?

You don't have to be an asshole!
You can send money, items, or in-game messages to other players. You can even chat in real time if you add somebody to your friends list!
The Warden

The Warden is where you go if you're looking for a promotion in your social status.
Each prison has their own Warden where you can earn or redeem favors.
Go to the warden to cash in favors to get special items and perks like Respected status.
The Warden is much too busy to deal with your bullshit directly. You can use the Contact form if you have any questions, comments, or concerns. This button is always located at the top of the website.
Random Tips
There is a community of (usually) helpful individuals on the Forums.
The golden rule of the forums: SEARCH BEFORE POSTING
You can get placed in isolation for getting caught committing crimes, or for being a disruption. You can get tossed in the infirmary's ICU for losing fights.
While in the infirmary or isolation, you can't perform many actions. You can bail yourself out if you have the cash though.
Level VS Stats: When you perform actions you gain experience. Leveling up is nice, because it unlocks many things. However, leveling up without training is bad. It will leave you at a high level with lower stats than your competition. So hit up the gym and make sure to train those stats up!
Vote to earn free favors by clicking the voting links located on the left side of the site. Voting helps promote Prisonblock and you get rewarded.
Some players will have badge icons that say Mentor.
These players are here to help you, so if you have questions, you can direct them to Mentors.
Here is a list of mentors. Don't be a pain in the ass.
There are also players with Guard and Warden badges. These players are staff members. And no, you can not be a staff member, so don't ask.
WARNING: don't be too stupid, or you can be PERMANENTLY isolated by the Warden.
This means you are banned from the game, account closed.