Item Title

Item Description

artix's Rap Sheet

artix [DOB]
Level 33
Health:   2,272,471/2,272,471
Cash: $2,239,883
Prison: South Dakota
Incarcerated: 15 years, 2 months
Last Seen: 17 hours, 54 minutes ago

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My Notes

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Inmate Blurb:

" Request:

Weapons: What is the durability of; Baseball Bat, Brass Knuckles, Combat Knife, Discus, Holy Sword, Infinity Gauntlet, Shank, Switchblade, ?

Armor: What is the durability of; Lunch Tray, Pillow, ?

Gear: How many uses do; Frog Net, Gator Stompers, Spike Trap, Zombie Chompers, have?
Needs correction:
Level 34 - Energy 5%, not a rounding error. Base stat must be wrong.

My Links

Base NRG / NRV / STM for lvl 15+, and effects of +% Amens on base stats:

List of all Amenities, with NRG / NRV / STM Amens sorted high - low:

List of all Items, Weapons, Armor, Gear

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Open Prisons Day and Arbour Hill

Arbour Hill Prison Areas
Arbour Hill Crimes
Arbour Hill Yard

Prison Warden Amens

San Quentin Amens
Putnam Amens
Arizona Amens
South Dakota Amens
Arbour Hill Amens

Prison Shop Items

San Quentin Items
Putnam Items
Arizona Items
South Dakota Items
Arbour Hill Items

Emoji List

Arbour Hill Surgeon Theme Packs

Open Prisons Day and Arbour Hill

Open Prisons is a day where the level restrictions for prisons are lifted and you are able to freely travel between prisons, except for New Jersey which remains inaccessible to higher levels. You will know it is Open Prisons by the Open Prisons icon which will appear below the Quick Item Slots.

Open Prison is always on the first Friday of the month and after that, every other Friday in that month.

On Open Prisons day Arbour Hill becomes available for the duration of Open Prisons. The prison transport fee for Arbour Hill is 10 Favors for non-Respected prisoners and 5 Favors for Respected prisoners.

Arbour Hill is not like the other prisons. Max cells are limited to 7x7 and it is a stat isolated prison which means your gym gains in Arbour Hill stay in Arbour Hill.

Arbour Hill Prison Areas

Upper Hall

Warden's Office

Lower Hall


Front Gates

Rear Yard

Market Place


Arbour Hill Crimes

Arbour Hill Yard

Warden Amens by Prison

San Quentin Amens

Putnam Amens

Arizona Amens

South Dakota Amens

Arbour Hill Amens

Prison Shop Items

San Quentin Items

Putnam Items

Arizona Items

South Dakota Items

Arbour Hill Items

Emoji List for Shoutbox and Forums

Type without leaving space

1. Smile is typed : ) or = ) or :- )
2. Frown is typed : (
3. Grin is typed : D or X D
4. Mad is typed >: o
5. Shrug is typed :shrug :
6. Kiss is typed :kiss : or :- *
7. Iffy is typed : / or = /
8. Crying is typed :' (
9. Cool is typed :cool :
10. Silly is typed : p or = p
11. Wink is typed ; )
12. Roll eyes is typed :rolleyes :
13. Shocked is typed = O
14. Rofl is typed ROF L or LMA O
15. X
16. Heart is typed :heart :
17. Pissed is typed :angry :
18. LoL is typed LO L
19. Smh is typed SM H
20. Uncomfortable is typed :- S
21. Bitchslap is typed :bitchslap :
22. Whistle is typed :whistle :
23. Whip is typed :whip :
24. Yayo is typed :yayo :

Arbour Hill Surgeon Theme Packs


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