looneytoon's Rap Sheet

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Inmate Blurb:
" My Set Prayer
Ashes to ashes dust to dust in piru we trust
In dem ckrips we bust
If u kill a member of piru
U must die
Westkoast bangin
Blood gang till I die
Let it rain Let it drip
Fuck wit us we split yo lip
Watch u fall to yo hipz
Watch our true colors drip
look in the eyes of diz krip
And say fuck u krab suck my dick
Su-woooooooooooo!!!! Blattttttt!!!!!!

Ashes 2 Ashes,
Dust 2 Dust,
In Blood we trust,
In cKrabz we bust,
If you kill a cKrab
You win a prize,
If yuo kill a Blood
Your whole family dies!!
And remember blue
birds can't fly in
the red Bloody hell
5 poppin' 6 droppin
5 flyin 6 dyin'
5 pimpin' 6 limpin'
5 bu'kin 6 du'kin
5 'komin 6 runnin'
5 flaggin' 6 draggin'
5 rippin' 6 drippin'
Let it rain, let it drip
Bust a cKrab in the lip
Let it fall, let em trip
Flip the clip and drop a ckrip
Bloods are red
cKrabz are blue
Disrespect my set and
we 'komin for you,

Ashes to ashes dust to dust in piru we trust
In dem ckrips we bust
If u kill a member of piru
U must die
Westkoast bangin
Blood gang till I die
Let it rain Let it drip
Fuck wit us we split yo lip
Watch u fall to yo hipz
Watch our true colors drip
look in the eyes of diz krip
And say fuck u krab suck my dick
Su-woooooooooooo!!!! Blattttttt!!!!!!

Ashes 2 Ashes,
Dust 2 Dust,
In Blood we trust,
In cKrabz we bust,
If you kill a cKrab
You win a prize,
If yuo kill a Blood
Your whole family dies!!
And remember blue
birds can't fly in
the red Bloody hell
5 poppin' 6 droppin
5 flyin 6 dyin'
5 pimpin' 6 limpin'
5 bu'kin 6 du'kin
5 'komin 6 runnin'
5 flaggin' 6 draggin'
5 rippin' 6 drippin'
Let it rain, let it drip
Bust a cKrab in the lip
Let it fall, let em trip
Flip the clip and drop a ckrip
Bloods are red
cKrabz are blue
Disrespect my set and
we 'komin for you,
