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bigbloods316's Rap Sheet

Level 6
Health:   3,790/3,790
Cash: $19,548
Prison: San Quentin
Incarcerated: 14 years, 5 months
Last Seen: 14 years, 1 month ago

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Inmate Blurb:

V.B.G    Villian Blood Gang
leader: Big Bloods OG status
2nd in command imgutta904/ recruiter  OG status
Co 2nd in command/enforcer  danroundtree1223 OG status
Soldier Command:That Nigga
Goons: GNI Blood ,Repz,heavyru,  stormtrooper,time to die,charliebronson,kreepone,jlew,bigkuntry, charliebronson,chevis,lilfredbo,omni Dmartin19,jessevelez ,Beware,jessekidd,
brock786,smiley aka jose,cripkilla_________________________________________________________
rules: Hustle, i dont give a shit rob anybody that aint wit us,except allies. 
must tagg your profile to out constantly lets get our weight up. prey on the weak, mug em get ur stats up
go ahead and beg for shit if u aint above it. if you need help ask a homie from the set. ifa homie needs help we will come together, fam first
no starting wars without approval from me.
must visit this shit at least every 2 days.
you aint gotta pay me shit, long as you hustle and rep this red shit.
Stay cherried up, no joining other gangs.
failure to abide by these rules will result in a violation.
1st violation= pay 500
2nd violation=pay 1000 plus yo ass kicked
3rd= death well kicked off the set

All transformers die, no set switchin this shit fo life
Stay active. wuz brackin. og villian bloods
Allies: PIRU Bloods, leader KIDDORKY
MIDWEST MAFIA, leaders Bookie25,527876
head leutenant violento, danrountree1223 
red kush, roscedaash 
G-unit, richard5927
The gunz, jakelordmafia
all blood love,
Satans soldierz, stephenblindt
